Robot Progress

Robot Progress

Day 1: November 9th

Organization and planning.

Day 2: November 16th

Organization and planning.

Day 3: November 23rd

Successfully built the general base for the robot.

Day 4: November 26th

Built the wheels.

Day 5: November 30th

Attached wheels. Struggled with motors

Day 6: December 3rd

Started working on motor controllers. Struggled with attaching them. Struggled with fixing motors.

Day 7: December 7th

Repaired motors. Started work on acrylic electrical board. Struggled with motors.

Day 8: December 19st

More work on motors and base, began testing power distribution panel.

Day 9: January 11th

Continued work on base, acrylic electrical board, and the flipping mechanism. Struggled with motors again.

Day 10: January 14th

Finished acrylic electrical board. Lifting mechanism was worked on again. Testing began on the flipping mechanism. Struggled with code and motor controllers.

Day 11: January 18th

Had figured out the code and the motor controlers, but still working on the lifting mechanism

Day 12: January 25th

Lifting Mechanism has been completed